
Epiphany Anglican is a member of the Orthodox Anglican Church, which is a constituent member of the Orthodox Anglican Communion, a global movement of Traditional, Biblically Orthodox Christians in their Anglican tradition.

We’re grounded in both the Old and New Testaments, we pattern our worship after the early church, and we eagerly look forward to the return of Jesus Christ.

Our order of worship is based on the solid Christian traditions of hundreds of years, and yet we enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit in our worship services. We study what the Bible said to its original audience as well as how it applies to our everyday lives.

We enjoy the best of both worlds: ancient and future, tradition and relevance, and God’s Word then and now. That’s why we’re called to share the truth of God’s Word, ground our faith, and ignite the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives today.


The Orthodox Anglican Church - North America


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