Service Opportunities

Epiphany offers many opportunities to serve, both internally (to our congregation) and externally (in our community, our nation, and our world.) Here are just a few examples.

Internal Ministries

Our Music Ministry provides all singing and accompaniment for our worship services.

Lay Readers/Chalice Bearers assist with the Sunday readings and serving Communion, while Greeters/Ushers welcome everyone to church and offer any necessary assistance.

Our Green Thumb ministry cares for the plants and flowers that adorn our sanctuary, and Hospitality takes care of all receptions, suppers and fellowship events.

Church Family Helpers provide meals and transportation for church members in need. Our Sunshine Ministry sends greeting cards on birthdays and anniversaries.

Prayer Chain is a network of men and women who intercede regularly for whatever need is brought before them. Prayer Ministry is privately available to anyone following each of our services. A prayer list is published weekly for use by all our parishioners.

Outreach Ministries

Mission and outreach is a vital part of Epiphany as we seek to share the compelling truth of Jesus Christ. Five percent of our annual budget is spent on evangelism, outreach and mission activities, such as:

Anglicans for Life works to support all pro-life ministries in the area.

Celebration of Children ensures that several dozen children in foster homes have gifts at Christmas time.

Our Eustis Heights ministry is a mentoring and outreach mission to Eustis Heights Elementary School.

We work with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) to reach out to high school sports teams in our area. We are currently working with the Eustis High School Baseball team to feed them physically and spiritually before their games.


Other Ministries and Initiatives

Vacation Bible School
Each summer Vacation Bible School attracts 30 to 40 children from ages 4 to 10. They meet for one week from 9 a.m. until noon each day, hearing Bible stories, learning songs, playing games, and enjoying snacks. Watch for details for VBS 2020! [Download forms here.]

Food Bank
Eustis Heights Elementary School has a food bank for its families and students. We collect food items for the school, which distributes our donated food to school families in need.

Thanksgiving Baskets
We gather food donations and provide Thanksgiving Dinner boxes for families in need who attend Eustis Heights Elementary School, including canned hams purchased from cash donations.

Baby Bottles
Each year, the Life’s Choices ministry provides baby bottles to be filled with coins by church members, from Mother’s Day until Father’s Day. Funds are donated back to Life’s Choices.


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